5 Biggest Diamond Heists – Sell Jewelry Boca Raton

Sell Jewelry Boca Raton

sell jewelry boca raton

Diamonds are one of the most commonly stolen items in the world.  Because they are so small, yet so valuable, robbers everywhere look to diamonds to make a quick score.  Just a handful of diamonds can be worth millions of dollars.  Some heists consist of only a few pieces worth hundreds or thousands of dollars.  But there are notable robberies worth millions and even hundreds of millions of dollars.  Here is a list of the 5 biggest diamond heists in the world.  Sell jewelry Boca Raton.

5.  #5 happened at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam in 2005.  An estimated $118 million worth of diamonds was stolen!  A KLM truck was hijacked and the robbers took hostages as they stole thousands of uncut diamonds.  The criminals were never caught and the stones were never recovered.  Owners of the diamonds were extremely upset because of poor security at the airport.

4.  This $28 million heist happened at the ABN Amro Bank in Antwerp, Belgium.  Antwerp is one of the diamond capitals of the world.  Uncut diamonds from all over stop in Antwerp to be stored and cut.  A business man infiltrated the bank by gaining the employees trust and eventually earned his own key to the vault.  One day he walked in and walked out with over $28 million in diamonds.

3.  The third biggest heist came at the Damiani showroom in Milan, Italy.  There was construction going on next door so no one ever complained of any noise.  Meanwhile, day by day, these robbers were cutting into the store and planning to rob more than $20 million in diamonds.  They came in one morning, tied up the employees and walked out with the jewelry.  Unfortunately for them, it was Oscars week and many of the most expensive pieces were out on loan to celebrities.

2.  The 2nd biggest heist was performed by a quartet of drag queens.  Four men dressed as women made their way into the Harry Winston store in Paris.  They harassed employees before walking away with over $100 million in diamonds and jewelry.  After they left, they drove away and were never seen again.

1.  The biggest heist ever came at the Graff store in London, England.  Two well dressed men in suits came in looking to buy some jewelry.  When they were let in they used handguns to get employees to open the cases and hand over $65 million in jewelry.  They left in one car, switched cars, and were gone.  Only problem was one of the two men left a cell phone in the first car, and were traced down and arrested.  Since they used prosthetic to disguise themselves in the store, chances are they would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for the cell phone.

As you can see, robbing a jewelry store for diamonds is one of the most lucrative places to rob.  Jewelry is so small and easy to move that it prompts many robbers from around the world to risk jail time to make a big score.  Sell jewelry Boca Raton.

by, Seth Marcus at Boca Raton Pawn


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