7 Sneaky Signs that He’s going to Propose!


While some guys can keep a secret like they’re in the CIA, others aren’t quite so swift. Here are some tell tale signs that your man is ready to pull the trigger on the ever so nerve-wracking marriage proposal.


1) He becomes overly protective of his cell phone

If he suddenly starts hovering whenever you look at his phone or won’t even let you lay a hand on it, don’t assume the worst — he could just be hiding info about your ring! Theres a lot of communication that goes into the whole process, he’s probably texting every girl that you both know to find out what will be the perfect ring, and deleting the pictures could be detrimental to his research in efforts to find the perfect ring.


2) He develops a sudden interest in jewelry

He asks what you think about your recently-engaged friend’s engagement ring or points out a celebrity’s ring on the cover of People while you’re in the checkout line. He compliments the jewelry you do wear and makes note of whether it’s yellow, white, or rose gold. And don’t be surprised if one of your rings goes missing while he tries to figure out your size.


3) Other people start talking to you about jewelry more frequently

If your mom or sister steers you into a jewelry store “just to look around” the next time you’re at the mall, they could be helping your soon-to-be-fiancé with some research. Or he may take you into a jewelry store himself to observe what you like and dislike. “This is the process of elimination approach,”


4) He pulls a disappearing act

He tells you he’s going shopping, then comes home hours later without a single item in hand — and he’s so not the window-shopping type, actually he’s probably isn’t the shopping type at all. Or you spot him and your dad chatting out of earshot at a family gathering. He could be spending that secretive time shopping for a ring or talking to your parents about popping the question.


5) Your friends and family members get really excited every time you call

Sure, they’re always happy to hear from you, but if they’ve been clued in that a proposal is on the horizon, they may start thinking every call is that call. Every time you call a girlfriend, mother, or other female family member, they sound overly excited and in anticipation to hear what you have to say, only to figure out that he probably hasn’t popped the question to you yet.


6) Traveling? He develops a serious distrust in all airlines 

He refuses to check his bag, even when it won’t fit in the carry-on (Meet the Parents, anyone?). And if TSA randomly selects him for a bag search, he’ll do whatever he can to make sure you’re not there while the agent is rooting around in his luggage.


7) He takes the lead on your vacation plans

If your man usually leaves the planning up to you and suddenly decides it’s his job you might have a ring on your finger sooner than you think. He’s making sure that all of the arraignments align with your dream proposal. Just let it be, he’s got it covered.
