Pre-owned Louis Vuitton Pegase 50 Rolling Luggage: FPOTD 08/11/2012

Pre-owned Louis Vuitton Pegase 50 Rolling Luggage


Louis Vuitton has always been providing it’s costumers with all kinds of great looking accessories, for many years. Nowadays, taking a trip by plane requires a lot of more

preparation. Worrying about buying the ticket at a discounted price, making sure that your flight is on time and getting to the airport early are not the only concerns for travelers. With

Airline Companies charging for extra carry on and extra bags, having the right size luggage is one of the top priorities for those who don’t want to pay extra.

For those who look for that right size luggage there are  a lot of options out there, but this Pre-owned Louis Vuitton Pegase 50 Rolling Luggage is definitely the perfect match.

This Louis Vuitton Rolling Luggage is the perfect size carry on with the high quality and great design that Louis Vuitton brings to all their products.


pre-owned louis vuitton pegase 50 rolling luggage
click in the image for more info

Signed by Denis Sztokfisz, at Boca Raton Pawn



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