Things to Know When Selling Platinum Jewelry


If you are planning to sell your platinum jewelry there are few things you should know first. Check the platinum prices in order to get an approximate value of your piece. If it includes a gem you should find out the value of it too. Precious metal and gem prices tend to flucuate rather frequently. You want to know the value so you can get the best price possible.

Not all pawn shops pay out the same, you should go to a few high end shops for quotes of how much they will give you, you may consider getting an appraisal on your piece before you go. Be sure that the shop has been in business for some time and has all of the required licensing to buy, sell, or trade items. You should be provided excellent customer service and a comfortable atmosphere.

If you choose to list the item yourself be sure to get an appraisal to verify the value and authenticity of your item. Make sure that it is cleaned and polished so it looks its best. Make sure the lighting in the area is complimentary to your piece and makes it’s brilliance pop. Allow the potential buyer to try your item on so that they can imagine themselves wearing it easier.

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