Tips for selling an Engagement Ring

Tips for selling an Engagement Ring

It’s not an easy decision to make, well… sometimes it is. But either way, sentiment can get the best of you. It’s important to slow down and think about what you are doing when you are selling an engagement ring. Because, though you just want to get rid of the thing, you should still get the most possible money for it!

Selling an engagement

Though you don’t want to think of things like this at the beginning, it’s always good to be aware that anything you buy, you might one day sell. When buying an engagement ring, you should look into one that has a round diamond. If these are appealing to you, they are a good purchase because the resell is better on them. In fact, any classic diamond shape will hold its value better than non-traditional shape. Besides, the round diamond is a modern, trendy look.

Diamond stones under 1 karat in size come with fantastic, sometimes irresistible deals. Take warning, however, the smaller stones have a bad return when resell time comes. Buying stones over 1 karat in size is a much safer bet. They are always in demand and sell faster and for more money. I know we like them!

Selling an engagement Ring!

Only buy certified stones. Take note of the inclusions and the clarity of the stone. If you come across a diamond engagement ring that boast “clarity enhancement”, watch out! It will have little to no resale value. You should ask  if the diamond has been “treated” in any way to bolster the clarity. Buyers don’t like this.

Certain diamond enhancing procedures, while saving you money up front, can reduce the value of a diamond by 80% or more. Although you may prefer a unique setting or stone, you’ll want to keep in mind that this mentality can hurt you in the long run.

If you have any questions, give us a call and we’ll be happy to help where we can ~

photo credit: α is for äpΩL † via photo pin cc
photo credit: sushiesque via photo pin cc

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