Top 3 Things Around Your House You Might Not Know Are Still Worth Money

Top 3 Things Around Your House You Might Not Know Are Still Worth Money

Photos of a messy house

Do you ever look around your house and think to yourself, “If I could get some of my money back for these things I’d be rich!”  Well you can!  A lot of the items you purchased long ago are still worth good money.  Today we are going to discuss the top 3 things you might not know are worth money.

1.  Electronics – A lot of the electronics you purchased over the years are still worth money.  For example, an iPhone 3GS, which came out almost 3 years ago, still sells on eBay for $150 and more!  TV’s are always in demand and still bring good money, even though they are pre-owned.  Also, video game systems and the accessories that go with them still sell as well.  Why not bring them to your local pawn shop and get some cash?

2.  Old and Broken Gold Jewelry – Old and broken gold jewelry is one of the best hidden treasures in your house.  With gold skyrocketing past $1,700 an ounce all of the jewelry you never wear is just collecting dust.  Bring it to your local pawn shop and I bet you are offered more than you think.  Selling your old gold jewelry can get you some extra cash for a great weekend getaway or even just some extra spending money to spend on something you want.  Get the new iPhone 5 by selling your old gold for cash.

3.  Designer Handbags – How many designer handbags have you or your wife bought over the last 10 years?  Enough to fill a closet?  Well all of those bags are still worth good money.  Companies like Louis Vuitton and Chanel never offer their items on sale.  Customers pay a premium for handbags even if they’re pre-owned. Getting half your money back for a $2,000 bag is better than letting it sit around!  Sell your handbag today.

sell handbag boca raton
This Louis Vuitton, pre-owned, sells for $995!

If you need some extra cash look around your house.  Chances are you have something of value to get rid of that you never use.  Pawn shops are always buying and are a great place to get quick cash for your items.

by, Seth Marcus at Boca Raton Pawn

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