9 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Used Computer

In today’s society, it’s nearly impossible to get through your day without a computer, so it’s become a necessary item for every person. However, they can be a bit pricy if you buy them new. The best solution for this would be to purchase a used computer to save a few bucks. Before you go and purchase someone’s old computer, though, you should do your best to find the answers to all of these questions to ensure that you’re getting a good deal rather than wasting your time and money.

9 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Used Computer

  1. What is the average sale price of similar models? Just go online, look up the specific model you are looking to purchase and see what price they are going for right now. This should give you a pretty good idea of what’s reasonable.
  2. What is included in the sale? Most people looking to purchase a computer want at least a CPU, monitor and keyboard. If you’re looking for additional parts, ask the seller if they have them and if you could possibly buy everything at a package discount.
  3. Have all personal files been removed? Before the sale is complete, make sure that any personal files of the previous owner of the computer are gone. If you don’t, you may end up having to visit the seller multiple times to give them the things the need but had forgotten to take.
  4. Has the system been scanned for spyware, ad-ware and viruses recently? For all you know, the seller could be getting rid of the computer because of virus-related issues. If they haven’t had the computer scanned lately but you decide to purchase it anyway, you should consider having it professionally cleaned.
  5. Can the computer be upgraded to a newer operating system? If your computer needs are pretty basic, like word processing, a few games, and basic internet, then you may not have to worry about upgrades. However, if you need to run modern software or high-speed modems, you’ll need to have Windows 2000 or higher. You should ask the seller if the computer could handle an upgrade without taking up too much memory.
  6. Why is this particular computer being sold? You don’t want to buy a computer that’s just been collecting dust in the attic or is constantly crashing. Hopefully they are just selling it because they simply wanted an upgrade.
  7. Has the computer ever been damaged by fluids or exposure to the elements? This is kind of like when you are buying a used car – you want to know exactly what the computer as been through, whether it’s fixed or not. You should ask if anything has been spilled on it or if it was exposed to extreme hot or cold conditions. This could lead to future performance issues or even mean that the computer is a breeding ground for mold and insects.
  8. Is this particular model still in production? If not, it may be pretty difficult if not impossible finding parts if you ever need replacements.
  9. Have any unusual problems occurred which could not be repaired or explained? Some sellers aren’t going to disclose all the information about the computer so that they can sell it for a higher price, but you need to get as much information that you can before making the purchase. You should learn about any unexpected crashes or software glitches. Knowing the history of the computer will help you in case there are any similar problems in the future.
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