Most Expensive Jewelry Boca Raton

Jewelry Boca Raton


With the economy still recovering, there are only a few things that we won’t stop spending money with. For man, might be a new cell-phone, or a new watch. For women, is definitely jewelry Boca Raton.

Women’s obsession for jewelry seems to overcome any recession. The sense of status that jewelry brings to whoever is wearing it, makes this decorative item something that people would millions of dollars for. So, how much would you spend in a piece of jewelry?

We separated three of the 10 most expensive pieces of jewelry in the world. If you are not the person that would pay a lot of money for a piece of jewelry, you won’t believe how much a jadeite necklace can sell for.

3 – The Wittelsbach-Graff diamond – Sold for $24.3 million dollars, this beautiful diamond was bought by the King Philip IV as a gift to his daughter in 1664.

jewelry boca raton

2 – The ” Double Fortune” – The “Doubly Fortune” necklace of 27  jadeite beads was sold for $9.3 million, setting the record for a single piece of jadeite jewelry.

jewelry boca raton


1 – The Graff Pink – Classified as a type II color diamond and with the perfect rating, was sold for $46 million in 2010, which gives it a price of about $1.85 million per carat.

jewelry boca raton

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