Engagement Ring Boca Raton

It’s that time, you’ve finally decided to pop the question. But you’re missing the most important thing, the ring. Instead of having her pick it out for you, which is the easy way, you’ve decided to do it on your own. Well where do you start? How much do you want to spend? What’s a good stone and what’s a bad stone? How do you even know what your buying is a real diamond? There a lot of questions you have to answer before buying the perfect ring. Here are some tips on how to buy an engagement ring Boca Raton.
The first thing you want to do is find out what style she likes without asking her directly. After-all, you don’t want to tip her off! You can ask some of her friends what she likes. If she has a group of best friends you can bet they’ve talked about their dream ring. See what they have to say and pray they don’t mention it to her (but they probably will).
Second, educate yourself a bit on the 4 C’s. The last thing you want to do is go into a jewelry store and have a salesman teach you about diamonds. Their job is to sell you a ring, and will tell you just about anything to do so. Remember, they work on commission. Anyway, the four C’s are clarity, color, cut, and carat. Each are important when examining a ring. Clarity refers to how clear a diamond is. Most diamonds have small imperfections inside them. Most are impossible to see without a loop, so clarity isn’t always considered the most important factor. But you want to make sure to get a stone that sparkles. Color refers to the color of the diamond. (Yes diamonds do have color). The best color is D and the worst is Z, but a diamond can be rated any of the letters in between. So the closer you get to D the whiter the stone. Anything rated I and below will have a nice white color. Cut just means the shape of the diamond. Round is the most popular (and the most expensive). Most girls like rounds but some prefer others like a pear shape (which looks like a pear) or a princess cut (which is a square shape). You’ll have to do your best to find out which your’s likes. And finally, carat. This refers to the size of the diamond and how much it weighs. An average engagement ring is usually just a bit over 1 carat. Depending on your budget and your better half’s taste, you can go bigger or smaller.
Third, don’t go into debt just to buy an engagement ring. You are starting a new life together and the last thing you want is to be paying off your credit card for years and years. You can find some great rings at affordable prices. Stones that are just below a whole number are usually significantly less. For example, a stone that weighs .95 ct vs a stone that weighs 1.01 ct probably look very similar, but the price of the .95 will be less.
Finally, after you find the right ring, get it insured! Chances are you will have the ring for a while before you actually propose. What happens if it falls out of your pocket on your way home from the store? Or you somehow misplace it. Getting it insured will be a small price to pay vs buying a new ring.
So, that’s it guys. It may seem complicated picking out an engagement ring Boca Raton, but you can do it! If you are committing to a lifetime with one person, surely you can take the time, do your research, and pick out a great ring. Good luck!

by, Seth Marcus at Boca Raton Pawn