New Stylish Bracelet That Also Charges Your Smartphone

New Stylish Bracelet That Also Charges Your Smartphone

Q Designs released Q Bracelet Q Designs_Bracelet open

After being stuck in Italy with no way to GPS himself to a familiar zone, James Kernan, CEO of Q Bracelet came up with the idea to have a stylish, simple, and effortless charging mechanism that also acted as a bracelet. Although the idea is still fairly new, the device is getting a lot of followers. The bracelet comes in matted silver or polished gold. It is quite thick, but in our personal opinion looks better on. The bracelet is on sale for $99.

The bracelet will be compatible for iPhone and Android devices. In the promo video everyone is using it with an iPhone, so we aren’t quite sure if there is an Android version available yet. The bracelet is said to only charge 60% of your phone’s battery. The bracelet is made with high quality lithium ion battery. The clasp is the charging station, when you are ready to charge up just unlatch the clasp and it becomes a USB.

One of the coolest parts about this bracelet is if you want to talk on the phone while charging, the bracelet acts as a handle. Same goes for taking a photo on the charger you can hold the bracelet for more stability!

The bracelet does require a charge as well before using it on your smartphone. There is a connector that will give your bracelet some juice. Three LED lights will indicate when charge is full.

One of the only downfalls of this…the bracelet does become very hot after you charge your smartphone. Kernan says it doesn’t become scolding hot, but warm like when you use your cellphone for too long.

We can’t wait to buy one for ourselves! This seems like such a cool idea, and honestly the bracelet does not look bad at all on. Our favorite color is the gold one, how about you?

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