Salvation Army Robbed Days Before Grand Opening

Salvation Army Robbed Days Before Grand Opening

Salvation Army Robbed Days Before Opening

A new Shoreline Salvation Army was robbed over this past weekend. Sunday Afternoon workers stocked shelves, added inventory, and put beautiful jewelry in a glass case by the cash register. That night thief’s broke the lock mechanism and took all the pieces in the case. 

Captain Timothy Rockey who works with the Salvation Army says he was very heartbroken over the occurrence. “It was really devastating to our staff and to our volunteers because we need the product to fund our program and our customers are interested and excited about getting some product as well,” Rockey said. 

There was at least $10,000 worth of silver and semi-precious gemstone jewelry pieces taken from the display. The saddest part is that all that money was to help adult rehabilitation programs. The Salvation Army gives profits to the Adult Rehabilitation program, Captain Timothy Rockey says at least $2,000 a month is what it takes to support the beds of these adults in need. The jewelry stolen equates to 5 months for one person or 1 month for 5 people whichever way you look at it.

The thief’s picked the perfect time for their break-in because the store was just days away from installing security cameras. Captain Timothy told Fox that the cameras were now installed. The Salvation Army in Shoreline is still going to be opening on time which was 4 days after the incident.

The video Fox released of the gut wrenching break in shows a Goodwill-esk showroom of furniture, handbags, football jerseys, clothes for men, women, and children, and shoes. This is one of the nicest Salvation Army and buying from this company gives back to a charitable cause.

There is no answer given on if there will be more jewelry donated to showcase or if there are any suspects for the crime.