What Does Your Birthstone Say About You?

What Does Your Birthstone Say About You?

What Does Your Birthstone Say About You?

We all know about birthstones. But do we really know what they mean? Your birthday isn’t just your birthday. You were born at a specific time because everything happens for a reason. Take a look in to our crystal ball of wonder and find out what your birthstone says about you! 

January-Garnet: Garnet is a light red colored semiprecious gemstone. Like its name, it more specifically the color garnet. January is the first of the month, a replenishing time, right after the new year. Garnet is a fresh, light, and beautiful stone. You are a kind hearted person who tends to have a bit of a fiery personality at times. When needed you will stand up for yourself, but you for the most part want to remain calm and  neutral.

February-Amethyst: Ahh one of our favorite stones! The amethyst is said to bring good luck and good spirits. It is naturally a purple crystal that can virtually cut into any shape and size. You have quite the bohemian personality. You like to rough it out, but another part of you is quite mature. For example going to a music concert and drinking beer is considered fun for you, but when it comes down to business you are all corporate!

March- Aquamarine: Just like its name, you are a fearless water lover! Full of energy and spunk, the sun and the waves are most definitely your favorite!! You don’t let things hold you back, anything is possible! The transparent blue stone is a perfect representation of you!

April-Diamond: So everyone can say in unison this is America’s favorite gemstone. The diamond has been around for centuries and is currently the number one stone used in jewelry and engagement rings. Just like this precious stone, you are a classy, traditional person. You put on a good face all the time and consider yourself a good role model.

May-Emerald:  You are very feisty. There is a big fire in your heart, you aren’t a mean person. You just have a lot of passion for things like your friends, family, and loved ones. You can’t just turn off your personality like a light switch. Emeralds, naturally are from Columbia is an authentic and different stone. Its strong green color really reflects you perfectly. You are a strong vibrant spirit.

June-Pearl: You are an old soul. Things like going out to the bar are so yesterday for you! Your version of a good time is good friends and a good glass of wine! You have very traditional parts to your personality.

July-Ruby: You don’t stand for anything that is below you. You are your own person and really don’t have time for people that try to make your life harder. One great part about you is you are mature enough to stay professional, but when it comes time to have fun, you don’t mess around!

August-Peridot: Peridot is a semiprecious gemstone that usually is in the color green. You have have a superior complex, but you are usually always right. You are always in the mood to help someone out. You have very good qualities and people should be lining up to be your friend!

September-Sapphire: You are intense to say the least! Deep blue tones come from this precious gemstone. This is one of the hardest gemstones besides a diamond. Your personality is a lot like a sapphire. You are very hard and don’t let a lot bother you. When things finally do seep in you are very passionate about them. Don’t be afraid to let your guard down for love.

October-Opal: Like the gemstone there are many different colors to your personality. You can be calm, classy, traditional, funny, jumpy, anything. You love to go out and have a good time, but also stay in and have a glass of wine. You’re very adventurous and will climb Mount Fiji if you could!

November- Topaz/Citrine: Scorpio is your sign so there is obviously some fire in your spirit. When you get mad,  you get MAD. When you’re sad your very sad. You have a lot of passion and really do mean well. You are going to do big things November, big things.

December- Turquoise: You are very kind a soft spoken. You don’t like to be too opinionated. You are also a very observant person and it takes a lot of time for you to truly like someone. Good friends are hard to come by, but the ones you’ve made are really something to treasure.