Expsensive Halloween Jewelry Boca Raton

Jewelry Boca Raton

Halloween is the best holiday.  You can be whoever you want to be on Halloween.  Kids and adults both love to dress up and have a great time.  There is also some really awesome Halloween inspired jewelry out there.  From diamond skull pendants to pumpkin jewelry you can always find something cool.  Below is a list of some expensive Halloween jewelry Boca Raton.

1.  Damien Hirst’s “For the Love of God”

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This is a sculpture produced in 2007.  It is a platinum cased human skull from the 1800’s that has been encrusted with 8,601 flawless diamonds including a pink pear shaped diamond in the center of the forehead.  There are a total of 1,106.18 carats of diamonds.  It cost almost $20 million just to produce and is on sale for around $75 million.  This would be the highest price paid for a piece of art by a living artist.

2.  Daniel Strom’s Memento Mori, Carpe Diem

jewelry boca raton

This is such a cool watch.  The name of it translates to “remember you will die, so sieze the day”.  It can be made in sterling silver or platinum.  Some models even feature diamonds.  There are 5 skulls on the face of the watch, one of which is a large over-sized crown.  There is a sixth skull on the buckle of the bracelet as well.  The platinum version will set you back almost $60,000 while the silver version is more reasonable at around $8,000.