Tell the difference between fake and real designer handbags Boca Raton
Designer handbags Boca Raton have a certain power over them, from their alluring beauty to undeniably upgrading your overall wardrobe. When there is a certain designer that we’re in love with be it Gucci, Louis, Fendi or Prada…the only caveat is, they’re expensive. We’ll look for bargains at the actual designer store, search outlet malls for the best deals, live on ebay for people selling pre-owned bags, even religiously search online everywhere near and far to make that handbag ours. The pesky problem is, not everyone is selling authentic designer handbags.
With designer handbags yearly increasing in price, we all have to realize that some bargains are just too good to be true. High demand for designer handbags means high demand for knockoffs and counterfeiters are getting more savvy and telling a difference between the real deal and fake is getting harder. That’s where we come in to save the day and give tips on how to spot fakes on the following designer handbags that we have in store at Boca Raton Pawn: Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Louis Vuitton and Prada.
- Make sure it has interlocking C’s since knockoffs have interlocking O’s which are snipped after production to look similar to a C.
- Chanel does not attach any tags or wrapping to its bags, so if a bag comes with a tag attached.
- The quilting should be symmetric.
- Newer Chanel bags should be stamped with CHANEL on the inside as well as having ‘Made in France’ directly underneath it or to the side.
- Chanel authenticity cards are often copied, so just because a bag comes with one, doesn’t mean the bag is real.
- The O’s in Louis Vuitton should have a perfectly round shape.
- Louis Vuitton is extremely careful about the way that its monogram is placed, and it’s usually completely symmetrical from side to side.
- Some style of their bags have upside down LVs on the back-side of the bag
- Start with the pockets. Study the cut of the leather intently, especially around the interior zippered pocket which should be exactly the same around the pocket.
- The inside tag where it says GUCCI and ‘Made in Italy’ there should also be a style number with a four or six digit serial stamped on the leather.
- The Gucci Controllato Card should have GUCCI written in capitals with a dark grey background. Underneath that in a white background should be the word ‘controllato’ and the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. The back of the card is always left blank.
- The logo plaque should match the interior fabric of the bag and newer styles will have plaques that say ‘Prada’ and ‘Made In Italy’ on two lines.
- Prada only uses certain brands of zippers—Lampo, Ykk, Riri, Opti, and Ipi. These names will be embossed on the back side of the zipper.
- All the hardware on an authentic Prada bag—zippers, buckles, locks, metal feet, and decorative hardware—will all be engraved with Prada, no exceptions
Start by looking at the stitching and logos. They all should be straight and even, thread matching the color of the bag and logos/patterns should align.
- They are made out of quality leather and should sit upright.
- The hardware of the bags are made out of heavy brass and all inscriptions on the bag should be engraved, not stitched.
- On the inside of the bag without a doubt should say, “Made in Italy” and should be made out of satin.
Now that we’ve given you a crash course on how to spot fake designer handbags, we hope you stop by our store for the real deals.