Sell Handbags Boca Raton
Every year, all of the top designer brands launch different handbag collections. All to keep their customers loyal and to bring them new items based on the new trends. Buying the new collections, is always what most handbags fanatics look for, but how long will it take for those bags to go out of style? Well, there are some bags that we can easily say that will never go out of style. Here are some of the bags that combine durability, versatility, style and even tough some of them are very expensive, their sophistication justifies every dollar spent on these amazing pieces. Sell handbags boca raton
1 – Louis Vuitton Speedy – Designed on the 1930’s, the LV Speedy is probably the most popular Louis Vuitton handbag. This gorgeous bag is an iconic bag for many reasons including the fact that can be worn in many different occasions, and clothing. From a casual jeans, to a formal dress. Also, the size and shape are perfect for many different body types.
2 – Hermes Birkin – Made in 1984 for Jane Birkin, who told Hermes executive Jean-Louis Dumas she couldn’t find a good leather bag, the Hermes Birkin became one the most iconic bags of all time. With prices that range from $10,000 to $100,000, if you wan to buy a Birkin, you will need a lot of patience since the waiting lists at most Hermes stores are at least 6 months, if you are lucky.
3 – Chanel Flap Bag – If you are a handbag lover or knows somebody who loves handbags, I am 1000% sure you’ve heard or seen a Chanel Flap. Considered by most, the “must have” of all classic handbags, the Chanel Flap was first introduced in 1955, by Coco Chanel, who wanted to have a comfortable bag to carry over the shoulder instead of carrying in her hands. Since then, the Flap has been made in all different sizes and colors. Amongst the great features of this great bag, you the value. Even though you will have to spend big bucks to own one flap bag, if you are tired of it after a few years, don’t worry…sell it and you will get most of your money back.