Sell Handbags Boca Raton
With Valentine’s Day approaching quickly, it’s important to get your special someone the gift she loves. However, in this tough economy, we are all working on a budget. Women love high end designer bags, but they’re so expensive. For example an Hermes Birkin bag can cost $10,000 or more! How are you supposed to get her that bag she wants? Here is a list of some popular designer handbags that you can buy for less than $1,000. I’m talking Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and more. The brands that she wants. Sell Handbags Boca Raton.
This is an all white Chanel Bowler bag. The material used is what Chanel calls “Caviar” leather. It is a pebbled leather that is soft to the touch. As the weather warms up this white bag will be a great accessory. Plus Chanel handbags usually start at three or four thousand dollars so you can get this for her on the cheap. We are asking just $995.
Tote bags are the most popular style bag worn every day. This is a take on a tote but mini sized. It’s not really a functional bag but it is a stylish bag. It looks like your traditional tote but much smaller. Get it for only $495.
Louis Vuitton became famous with their classic LV monogram design. However, more recently, their Damier checkered pattern has increased in popularity. Here we have a large tote named the Beaubourg. It is the perfect work bag as you can slip your laptop or tablet right inside. It has two wide top handles to hold or wear on the shoulder comfortably. Get it for only $995.
The Eva clutch is the perfect going out bag. It’s fun, small, and compact. This one is in the brown Damier pattern with a large gold nameplate on the outside. It also has a gold hardware chain. But it for only $649.
The Balenciaga Mini City bag is again a miniature version of the larger size. This is usually a tote bag but has been shrunk down to be worn as a cross body handbag. The brown leather is absolutely stunning. Get it for only $975.
The most unique bag on this list, this Valentino Rockstud clutch is awesome. It is a super bright blue with metal spikes surrounding it. It is the perfect accessory for a night on the town and will only set you back $995