The Most Expensive Sports Trophies – Buy Gold Boca Raton

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If we have to decide which topic can keep a conversation or a discussion going to hours, maybe days, most of us will agree that sports is definitely on the top three. Buy Gold Boca Raton

Talking about sports is something that can raise a lot of questions, arguments, and even fights. All sports fans seem to have their arguments ready when they go to a sports bar, or an any kind of game to watch their favorite team. Who is the best team, the best player, the worst team or the worst player. All these topics can have different points of view and until one of the sides give up, it seems like is a never-ending discussion.

Besides of the different opinions, we all have to agree that don’t matter what sport the conversation is about, no other topic can get us to show so much passion and feelings. With a very stressful life and most of us working hard to earn our paychecks, sports are known to be one of the best ways to release that stress, so if at the end of the discussion both sides don’t come to an agreement, who cares…the stress was released and everybody is ready for another week of hard work.

Out of all sports topics, one that doesn’t seem to be a hot topic is about the reason for most of the arguments around the bar tables, the championship trophy. Do you know how some of the most popular sport’s trophies are worth? Below, we brought three of the most expensive sports trophies. We chose the Super Bowl Trophy, the World Series Trophy and since next year is the year the 2014 World Cup, the World Cup Trophy.


1 – The Super Bowl Trophy – $50,000 – The ” Vince Lombard Trophy” is made design by Tiffany & Co. and is around two feet tall. Made of Sterling Silver it weighs 7 pounds.

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2 – The World Series Trophy – $15,000 – The “Commissioner’s Trophy” is currently design also by Tiffany & Co. It weghs around 30 pounds and has 30 gold-plated flags, one for each of the Major League teams and 24-karat vermeil baseball stitches.

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3 – The World Cup Trophy – $10 million – Made of 18-karat gold with a containing two layers of malachite, the trophy weighs 11 pounds and is 14.4 inches tall.

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After looking at these trophies and their prices, we might be able to have a long discussion about why one is worth more than the other. One argument that we can all agree on is that beside the money value of these pieces, the sentimental value is with no doubt priceless!! If you are thinking about buying a “trophy” for yourself in a form of a beautiful piece of jewelry, go visit Boca Raton Pawn and get the best prices for pre-owned jewelry.




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