Bloomberg Terminal Secret Craiglist-Like Site Exclusively for the Rich
Is Craigslist too basic for you? Are you having issues finding anything over a million dollars up for grabs? We have the perfect website for you. Buzzfeed just recently came out with an article exploiting a new sub-site located exclusively for Bloomberg Terminal users. This site will cost you a hefty chunk of change each month, but if you have $2,000 to shell out then we think this site may just work for you. Bloomberg Terminal is mostly known as being a computer system that Bloomberg L.P. allows professional financiers and other huge industries to be a part of. There is real time financial market that makes trading electronically a breeze. This platform is only for the richest.
The Bloomberg Terminal was once only known for trading, but Buzzfeed cracked the code, there is a secret section that allows messages to be sent and offerings put up for grabs, much like our favorite site Craigslist, but just a bit more safe. The site is known as POSH and listings that are seen on this site include million dollar jets and yachts and, oh, yeah this 29 million Euros Italian estate. Thats approximately $27 million dollars! The house consists of its on helicopter landing station, golf course, vineyard, and olive orchard. Here are some photos.

This one person listed a $25 dollar Gap gift card for $20 bucks simply because they “do not shop here”. This is probably the most normalish thing you will find on this site.

In the mood to buy a dressage mare? Aka a really expensive horse.

It really gets even better. Some people on the site aren’t just listing your everyday cars. There is a Mercedes C63 AMG Black Series up for $175,000, as well as a Tesla Model S also up for over $100,000! The Mercedes listing states “only 60 C63 Black Series were imported to the U.K., of the 600 made globally”.

Want to take a lavish vacation? Don’t worry POSH also has listings for homes you can rent. Like this one in the East Hamptons. Its up for $10,000 a week and includes an olympic size swimming pool and a tennis court. Basically every rich person’s favorite sport.

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