Three Creepy Handbags For Sale
The handbag industry is one of the biggest in the world. Made in all different shapes, sizes and materials, handbags seem to be an accessory most women can live without. There is a handbag for every taste. Some of the top brands in the world like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Hermes design handbags that can make every handbag lover go crazy. Even though, these brands are considered the best in the business, and they spend a huge amount of time and money releasing different designs every season, there are some people how are always looking the different options. For those costumers, the LV or the CC logos are not what makes them buy a handbags, but the design, the shape or even if the bags reminds them their favorite TV show. Three Creepy Handbags For Sale
This past weekend, one of the most popular TV shows presented the last episode of their 5th season. “The walking dead” is one the most popular TV shows ever made. Millions of people seat in front of the TV every Sunday to watch a group of people killing zombies every 5 steps they walk. Now that the 6th season it’s over, one of the ways that the fans have to keep the zombie spirit alive is finding items or accessories that remind them all about the zombies and their killers. Since we also a big fan of the show, we decided to pick some of the creepiest handbags for sale. These were not only made to carry your belongings around, they are also very creepy looking and can give you a real scare.
1 – A zombie Leg Purse
2 – Bloody Knife Purse
3 – Skull Handbag