Louis Vuitton Handbags Boca Raton
There are many different brands when it comes to luxury handbags. The most common that come to mind include Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Gucci, and Fendi. And within those brands there are so many different styles of bags. There are evening bags, satchels, totes, shoulder bags, cross-body bags, and more. When you think about how many different bags are truly available for sale, it’s mind boggling. So for this blog we’re going to focus on the best shoulder Louis Vuitton handbags Boca Raton. Which LV shoulder bags are the best? We will use style, practicality, and comfort to influence our decision. Below is a list of the best Louis Vuitton shoulder bags.
1. Louis Vuitton Sistina GM in Damier Ebene Canvas
This is a Louis Vuitton Sistina. It is a true shoulder bag, meant to be worn on the shoulder. Some shoulder bags are hybrids of other styles, but the Sistina really fits the mold. This is the GM size which means it is the largest size they make. Louis Vuitton lists their sizes in PM, MM, and GM with PM being the smallest and MM of course being medium. This Sistina is in the Damier Ebene canvas which looks like a light and dark brown checkered pattern. It has a large gold fold over clasp along with a zipper closure to keep everything secure. Inside the bag is lined in red suede. There are two side pockets for a cell phone or money. It is a very practical bag with a lot of storage, especially for a shoulder bag. As far as style I think it is the best looking shoulder bag Louis Vuitton makes. And while it is a bit heavy because of the size it has a thick shoulder strap that makes it easier to carry. Other bags like the Neverfull have very small straps and are very large and heavy which puts a lot of strain on the shoulder. The Sistina does not do this.
2. Louis Vuitton Tivoli GM in Monogram Canvas
The Louis Vuitton Tivoli is another fairly large shoulder bag. It is actually very similar in style to the previous model, the Sistina. The straps are very similar in length and the size of the bag is almost the same. Except that on the Tivoli, the top is longer while on the Sistina the bottom is longer. But the inside area of the bag is actually about the same. I would bet that the same amount of items would fit in each bag. This Tivoli is also the GM which means it’s the biggest version of the Tivoli Louis Vuitton makes. This time however, this bag is in the classic brown monogram canvas rather than the Damier. The Damier is a little more understated and doesn’t scream Louis Vuitton while the monogram canvas has LV’s all over it. The feel to the two bags is similar but the monogram canvas always felt a little softer. I’m not sure why but it’s a bit softer to the touch. The Tivoli also only has a zipper closure rather than a buckle as well. Inside the bag there is a special cell phone pocket along with two other side pockets. It is also very practical because of the large area inside. It is stylish but not as much so as the Sistina because it doesn’t have a large gold clasp. It is very comfortable though with two large straps that ease the weight on the shoulder.
3. Louis Vuitton Boetie GM in Monogram Canvas
The Louis Vuitton Boetie is a very unique looking bag. It is much longer than it is wide. The top of the bag where the shoulder straps attach is mostly light brown leather. Under that the rest of the bag is in the classic monogram canvas. It has a gold toned turn snap style closure that locks the flap in place. It also has a long zipper closure for double safe keeping. Inside is a tan suede style lining with multiple side pockets. There is a huge area inside to keep all sorts of belongings. As far as style it is awesome. It is a unique bag that you won’t find a lot of people wearing. It is definitely practical because of how large the inside is and it is fairly comfortable. The strap is nice and thick but the bag is very heavy.