Louis Vuitton Handbags New Fabric Tags

Louis Vuitton Handbags New Fabric Tags


Louis Vuitton handbags are sold all over the world. When it comes to handbags, Louis Vuitton is probably the first brand that women think about. Whoever has a LV handbag, knows all about the way they label their products. The date code and the leather tag are present in every piece, regardless the country they were made in.

Well, that was true until 2012. This year, Louis Vuitton changed the labeling on handbags made in the US. Now, because of the US laws on labeling commercial goods, LV removed the Made in the U.S.A from their leather tags and included a fabric label which show that the product was made in the US of imported materials. Even though LV has to follow the laws to sell their products made here in the US, costumers did not seemed to be happy about this new change. A lot of costumers think it gave the bags a cheap look and also made it easier for whoever thinks about selling fake ones. All we know is that no matter how LV label their items, a genuine Louis Vuitton handbag it is still an accessory that every women dreams about having around their shoulders. Here is a picture of the new tag.


Louis Vuitton Handbags New Fabric Tags

Signed by Denis Sztokfisz, at Boca Pawn.



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