44% of Consumers Would Buy “Smart” Jewelry – Pawn Jewelry Boca Raton

Pawn Jewelry Boca Raton The Jewelry Consumer Opinion Council just conducted a survey related to “smart” jewelry.  Smart jewelry is considered wearable technology; for example, the Samsung Smart Watch.  According to the study 44% of consumers would purchase smart jewelry like a bracelet or a watch.  Much of the new smart jewelry is designed to make… Continue reading 44% of Consumers Would Buy “Smart” Jewelry – Pawn Jewelry Boca Raton

Loans for Jewelry Boca Raton – Centurion Jewelry Awards 2014

Loans for Jewelry Boca Raton February 1-4 in Scottsdale, Arizona is where the Centurion awards were handed out.  All pieces entered in the show were on display for two days so retailers could anonymously vote on them.  The Centurion awards are given to the most extraordinary pieces of jewelry in twelve different categories.   They… Continue reading Loans for Jewelry Boca Raton – Centurion Jewelry Awards 2014

The Best Super Bowl Commercials Of All Time – Pawn Jewelry Boca Raton

Pawn Jewelry Boca Raton   Every year, millions of people around the world gather around their TVs to watch on of the coolest sports event in the world, the Super Bowl. In 2012, 111 million people watched the NY Giants beat the Patriots at the most watches Super Bowl of all time.  Pawn Jewelry Boca… Continue reading The Best Super Bowl Commercials Of All Time – Pawn Jewelry Boca Raton

Boca Pawn Shop Gold Easing Loans Up

Boca Pawn The NPA (National Pawnbrokers Association) announced, since the start of 2013, gold transactions have slipped while loans have increased.  85% of pawnbrokers surveyed reported that they have been buying less gold and doing more loans.  Many industry experts point to the fact that most people already sold most of their gold during the… Continue reading Boca Pawn Shop Gold Easing Loans Up

Celebrities And Their Handbags – Pre-owned Handbags Boca Raton

Pre-owned Handbags Boca Raton   Every year, some of the most famous fashion designers in the world appear in fashion shows all over the world to preset their new line of clothing and accessories. Out of all the fashion shows around the world, a few are considered the most important ones. Pre-owned handbags Boca Raton… Continue reading Celebrities And Their Handbags – Pre-owned Handbags Boca Raton