Economic times are tough and everyone could use a little extra money, and sometimes you need it right away. One of the best and most time honored ways of securing a quick loan is the pawn shop, although many shops today prefer the more respectable name of loan center. A pawn shop will take almost… Continue reading Pawn Rolex Watch or other Luxury Brand Watches The Smart Way
Category: Merchandise
Products being sold currently by Boca Raton Pawn.
Sell Gold or Pawn Gold – Smart Things To Know
Sell Gold or Pawn Gold If you have an old gold watch, coin or piece of jewelry, you may hesitate, not knowing the best way to start the sales process. You could sell it online, but then you run the risk of a bad buyer or the item getting lost in the mail. Often, the… Continue reading Sell Gold or Pawn Gold – Smart Things To Know
Friday the 13th: Lucky or Unlucky?
Friday the 13th is Lucky for Some, Unlucky for Most Many people in Western culture consider Friday the 13th the most unlucky day of the year. The history of this day goes back hundreds of years and there are many different stories on why it’s an unlucky dayInflatable Happy Clown Bouncer. While most people find… Continue reading Friday the 13th: Lucky or Unlucky?
Appraise Jewlery For Insurance Reasons To Sell
Appraise Jewlery Before You Sell It! There are many reasons for you to appraise jewelry; you may need the appraisal for insurance purposes, or for estate purposes. Many people appraise their jewelry before the sell it. It is important for you to know the value before you try to sell jewelry. Many new jewelry purchases… Continue reading Appraise Jewlery For Insurance Reasons To Sell
Hard to Find Used iPad 2
Used Apple iPad 2 16gb Apple products have been a fever all over the world. Therefore, when a new product is launched, Apple stores can barely hold the anxious crowd, by the door, waiting for the new gadget. As with most of Apple’s items, there is one product that left a lot of people twisting their nose. The iPad 3 was a product that people could… Continue reading Hard to Find Used iPad 2