iPhone 5 Release Date Still Unknown: Sell iPhone 4

Sell iPhone 4

Apple is always very secretive when it comes to releasing new products.  They want their consumers to continue buying the older models right up until the day the new devise is announced.  With the anticipation of the new iPhone 5 coming this fall many experts are guessing when it might be released.  The consensus is that it will be announced on September 12th during the keynote and offered for sale two weeks later.  Once it’s announced you will see a huge increase in people looking to sell iPhone 4.

iPhone 5 mit 3D Funktion

Not only will you see a lot of people looking to sell their old iPhone’s you will see a dramatic decrease in the price consumers are willing to pay for those old iPhone’s.  Right now the 8GB version of the iPhone 4 can be bought on eBay for the low $200’s.  When the iPhone 5 is announced you can expect those prices to plummet; which gives you even more reason to sell your iPhone now rather than later.   Get the most today rather than less tomorrow.

The iPhone 5 is expected to have a bigger screen and be a bit thinner.  Many consumers have been begging for an iPhone with a screen that rivals its biggest competitor Samsung.  The only downside that’s being speculated about is the new power cord.  It’s going to be smaller than the previous cord but this means you can no longer charge your iPad with it or your old iPhone’s.

Regardless of the power cord the iPhone 5 is poised to sell many units.

sell iphone 4
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by, Seth Marcus at Boca Raton Pawn

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