Sell iPhone Boca Raton Ahead of the iPhone 5 Release

Sell iPhone Boca Raton

At 10:00 A.M Pacific time (1:00 P.M. Eastern time) Apple is holding its latest news event; and many expect them to announce the iPhone 5.  That is why today is your best opportunity to sell iPhone Boca Raton for the most money!  As soon as the new iPhone 5 is announced the price re-sellers are willing to pay for older models drops dramatically.

Money (Photo credit: 401(K) 2012)

The new iPhone 5 is rumored to have a significantly larger screen.  In the last year or two phones have been leaning in that direction and the market place has reacted positively.  Most of the phones the iPhone competes with, like the Samsung Galaxy, offer much larger screens.

Along with a larger screen the new iPhone is supposed to connect to the new 4G LTE network, making mobile browsing much faster.

What isn’t known is the “one more thing”.  Apple has a history at these news events to introduce something totally new and innovative towards the end of the conference, just when you think it’s over.  It’s hard to speculate just what it will be but we will see soon.

Remember, if you plan on upgrading to the new phone sell your old iPhone today.  Every day you wait you are losing money!

iphone 5 mockups

by, Seth Marcus at Boca Raton Pawn

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