Items Local Pawn Shops Won’t Buy From You

For some reason there’s this common misconception that a local pawn shop will buy anything from you as long as they can make a profit off of it. But, this just isn’t true. There are just some things that a pawn shop doesn’t want to buy from you, most likely because it really fits better at a thrift store. So, got through this checklist before you bring in something that might not make the cut at the pawn shop.

Items Local Pawn Shops Won’t Buy From You

  • Broken or Damaged Items: If you’re item is so beat up that it no longer functions properly, don’t bring it in! The only reason this would be okay is if it’s a high end item that can be easily fixed. Otherwise, take it somewhere else.
  • Vital Components are Missing: Once again, unless what you’re looking to sell is a higher end piece, you won’t want to bring in something that’s missing parts that matter. This is even more important if the parts are expensive or fairly difficult to find. The only exception would be items that are pretty rare.
  • Items that are Outdated: If the item can be classified as “old school” like a VCR or cassette tape player, the pawn shop most likely won’t want to buy it. Chances are they won’t be making much of a profit off of outdated items, so they won’t accept them from you. The exception here, of course, being antique or vintage items – these have a great resale value.
  • A Stolen Item: Pawn shops can actually get into a great deal of trouble if they buy stolen items from you. This is even true if they had no idea it was stolen. So, do the both of you a favor and don’t bring in these items.
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