Boca Pawn Shop – 4 Most Popular Jewelry Items

Ever wonder where you can find fine jewelry and watches at huge discounts? Why not try your local Boca pawn shop? Boca Raton is one of the wealthiest cities in the world and even Boca has pawn shops. Pawn shops are the best place for finding incredible discounts on designer jewelry and watches. Below is a list of the top 4 jewelry items found at a Boca pawn shop.
4. Estate Jewelry – Estate jewelry is very common to find at a Boca Pawn Shop. Estate jewelry usually consists of vintage gold and platinum jewelry. It usually has been passed down from generation to generation and is no longer wanted. Pawn shops usually end up with it because they offer quick cash to sell your precious metal jewelry. With vintage looks back in style check out your local pawn shop for great deals.
3. Engagement Rings – Engagement rings always find their way back into a pawn shop after a divorce. Either the woman kept it and just wants to get rid of it for cash or the husband is selling it looking to recoup some of his investment. No matter what, engagement rings always end up at a pawn shop after a divorce.
2. Designer Jewelry – Number two on the list is designer jewelry. This consists of items like Tiffany & Co. necklaces or Cartier bracelets. These types of jewelry are usually purchased at a premium when things are great. You often pay a huge markup for designer pieces. When times get tough these are the first things to go. Who needs a Cartier Love bracelet that retails for over $5,000 when it’s only worth around $1,000 in gold? Get rid of it!
1. Rolex watches – Rolex watches are the most common piece of jewelry found at a Boca pawn shop. Rolex makes so many watches that hold their value. A Rolex is almost as good as cash. It would be hard to find a pawn shop not willing to pay you at least $500 for even the most old and beat-up Rolex. If you need quick cash pawning your Rolex is always the easiest.
Boca pawn shops aren’t much different from other pawn shops. Most of the inventory is similar except that a pawn shop in Boca usually has higher end items.
by, Seth Marcus at Boca Raton Pawn