How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

There are a few things you should know about how to get the most for your money, whether you’re a first timer or you buy and sell at pawn shops regularly. By following these guidelines, you’re increasing your chances of getting the most bang for your buck at any pawn broker you visit.

How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

Do your research. Go online and look into the item you are pawning or buying to get a food idea of what a fair price is. Look at details such as make, model year/number, amount of memory (for electronics) and other miscellaneous factors. With this knowledge, you can walk confidently into the store knowing exactly what to expect for a loan or cost as well as gives you some leverage when talking to an associate.

Go ahead and haggle. Most customers have a set dollar number in mind, but it’s important for you to be realistic. A pawn shop can only lend an amount that helps the store break even if the item ends up on the merchandise floor. It’s okay to talk to employees to see if there’s any way the loan can be increased.

Build credit. Sometimes loans just can’t be paid back and you have to forfeit pawned items – it happens to the best of us. But if you have a great and consistent track record of paying off loans, the pawn broker will be confident enough to give a little more cash for an item than they normally would.

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