6 Quirky Gadgets That Never Made It

Every now and then you’ll find a nifty little gadget that turns into the next iPod. But for every trinket success story, there’s a thousand that just didn’t quite make the cut. Let’s give them their 15 minutes that they never got.

6 Quirky Gadgets That Never Made It

1. Metal Detecting Sandals

Forget going to the beach with your backbreaking metal detector that never leads you to find anything. Manufacturer Hammacher Schlemmer found a way to help you get the goods an easier way – with metal-detecting sandals that scan the earth under your feet as you walk. The battery circled around your calf.

2. Swatch Talk

When you really think about it, the whole talk-into-your-arm thing seems like a goofy idea, but in the 1990s it was awesome!

3. Bone Fone

All you had to do was put this collar around your neck and the Bone Fone will play music right through your bones. Sounds incredibly weird, sure, but innovative at the same time, don’t you think?

4. Wrist Maps

You know how difficult it is to get around without Apple Maps? Well back in the 1920s you could get directions on your wrist with this manually scrolling map. Just strap it on and get on your way!

5. InteliData Money Clip

Before we had all of the fancy apps on our smartphones, InteliData decided to create a product that would let you carry around all your financial information on a “floppy disk-like device.” But, that didn’t exactly work out.

6. Toilet Tunes

A sensor on the inside of your toilet lid plays what sounds like elevator music. Why was this created? Who really knows? But at least you got to hear some smooth jazz while you were in the loo. Yes, it is pretty awkward.


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