Designer Handbags Boca Raton
Boca Raton Pawn is your one stop shop for all things designer handbags Boca Raton. We have the largest selection in South Florida of used and pre-owned designer handbags. We carry all of the top brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Hermes. We sell for hundreds less than the original retail. All of our bags are 100% authentic. We have been buying and selling designer bags for many years. Come check out our gorgeous showroom today.
Here at Boca Raton Pawn, not only do we sell designer handbags, we buy them for CASH. Let’s face it, a lot of us either have, or know someone who has, old handbags lying around their closet. Maybe you bought it and don’t like it anymore, or maybe you’re just sick of it. Regardless of the reason, you can sell them to Boca Raton Pawn and get paid immediately. It doesn’t make sense to give your bag to a consignment and wait weeks or even months before you see a check. Sell your handbags today and get cash.
One of the best things about being a high end luxury pawn shop is that we can lend money on goods as well. So if you need some money but don’t want to outright sell your handbags you can. We can give you a collateral loan for what you have. Say you need a few hundred dollars to pay an unexpected bill. Don’t fear, you can come to us and pawn your handbag today. We can give you cash towards the value of the bag as a loan.
There is no better place to go when looking to buy, sell, or pawn a handbag. Boca Raton Pawn pays the highest prices anywhere and really knows their stuff. We give you fair prices and always beat our competition. Come see what we’re all about.
by, Seth Marcus at Boca Raton Pawn