Limited Edition Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton sells more luxury handbags than any high end designer in the world. They have the most recognizable monogram of any handbag company. Their famous LV is on everything. Every once in a while they will introduce a limited edition Louis Vuitton. These bags are usually in extremely high demand and can cost more than twice what the original model costs.
For example, the Speedy 30 is one of the most popular bags they sell. It is a satchel style handbag with two top handles. It is relatively small and can hold a lot of belongings. Typically it comes in either the Monogram (LV) or Damier (checkered) patterns. However, they do make at least two limited edition models.
First, is the denim version, which actually looks much different than the regular Speedy. It has two outside pockets and gold toned hardware closures. Without knowing better you might not even call it a Speedy, but it is.
Second, is the Stephen Sprouse Roses edition. This is exactly like the Speedy 30 Monogram. It is the same size and color, but there are large roses painted over the bag. It makes for a really cool design, almost like it was home made.
Retail prices for the regular edition Speedy are less than $1,000, but the limited edition models can cost well into the $2000 range. That’s why it’s always better to search for pre-owned Louis Vuitton handbags.
by, Seth Marcus at Boca Raton Pawn