Jewelry Boca Raton News from Around the World

Jewelry Boca Raton

According to multiple news sources around the world a high end watch store in Paris was robbed of over $1.3 million worth of watches.  The Vacheron Constantin boutique in the Rue de la Paix district in Paris is where the robbery occured.  This is one of many huge robberies that have happened in France over the last few years.  The scale of a robbery like this is almost unfathomable.  $1.3 million is so much jewelry Boca Raton.

What makes this crime so spectacular was the number of people involved.  Apparently, two of the accomplices rang the doorbell of the boutique, and when they were buzzed in they held it open and many more people ran in.  The whole heist took less than 3 minutes while one of the robbers kept time on a stopwatch.  When they ran out of the store, they set off gas canisters so that they could free on foot into the busy city streets.  All in all there were 15 people involved.  Two of the criminals are in custody but the other 13 and the watches are unaccounted for.  The two caught are only 17 and 24 years old.

jewelry boca raton
The Vacheron Constantin Boutique in Paris

A crime with this amount of sophistication should alarm the jewelry business.  While it’s still difficult fending off one or two intruders, can you image if 15 people came to your store?  And these guys aren’t ripping off the local pawn shops with a little bit of inventory.  They are going after huge companies with millions of dollars worth of inventory.

What strikes me is what are they going to do with the watches?  Surely Vacheron has all of their inventory written down with model and serial numbers.  Every watch has its own individual number which makes selling the watches very difficult.  There will be an alert out to places all around the world that these watches were stolen and here are their serial numbers.

Jewelry stores are broken into and robbed all the time.  That is inevitable.  But a heist at this scale is very scary.  It is the kind of thing you only see in movies.

by, Seth Marcus at Boca Raton Pawn

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