30 Carat Blue Diamond FOUND in S. Africa – Jewelry Loans Boca Raton

Jewelry Loans Boca Raton Petra Diamonds Ltd. has announced it has found a 29.6 carat rough blue diamond.  It was reportedly found in the famous Cullinan mine in South Africa.  Petra describes the stones as “exceptional”.  They comment that the stone has an extremely vivid blue with extraordinary saturation, tone, and clarity.  Blue diamonds with… Continue reading 30 Carat Blue Diamond FOUND in S. Africa – Jewelry Loans Boca Raton

Jewelry Loans Boca Raton Golden Globes Jewelry Trends 2014

Jewelry Loans Boca Raton The 2014 Golden Globes were a huge success.  The ratings were up and everyone looked fabulous.  Celebrities from the most popular TV shows and movies all came out to the event.  As far as jewelry goes, trends included minimal design, bold colors, and vintage style.  Many of the jewels worn on… Continue reading Jewelry Loans Boca Raton Golden Globes Jewelry Trends 2014