Sell Used Watches in Boca Raton

Look in your jewelry chest or safe deposit box. Do you have an old watch that you never wear anymore? Do you want to sell used watches in Boca Raton? Sell Used Watches in Boca Raton There is a good chance you can turn that old watch into money—something nearly everyone can use more of… Continue reading Sell Used Watches in Boca Raton

How to Pawn Your Gold

For those of you looking to make some extra cash without a hassle, you should consider pawning your gold jewelry that you no longer wear. Pawning your gold is quick and, though you may not make as much as selling to an individual, is incredibly easy. However, with the economy the way it is, every… Continue reading How to Pawn Your Gold

7 Tips to Good Haggling

Money is tight these days, so you probably are looking to find a good deal on anything you spend your money on. Many places, like pawn shops, are up for haggling prices, but you have to go into this knowing exactly what you’re doing. Here are some tips to help you out as you try… Continue reading 7 Tips to Good Haggling

How to Sell Jewelry to a Pawn Shop

It’s easy to sell jewelry to a pawn shop – just take it in, tell the broker you’d like to sell your jewelry to them, then take the money they offer you. But if you actually want to get a good deal for your jewelry, you should put a little more work into your sell.… Continue reading How to Sell Jewelry to a Pawn Shop

How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

There are a few things you should know about how to get the most for your money, whether you’re a first timer or you buy and sell at pawn shops regularly. By following these guidelines, you’re increasing your chances of getting the most bang for your buck at any pawn broker you visit. How to… Continue reading How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck