Can I Get A Loan On a Breitling Watch?

Can I Get A Loan On a Breitling Watch? So you find yourself in a situation a lot of us are in nowadays. The cash income just isn’t keeping up with the cash outgo. And maybe you’ve got something coming up, like a wedding you have to go to or a favorite nephew’s graduation, or that… Continue reading Can I Get A Loan On a Breitling Watch?

Is My Broken Jewelry Worth Anything?

When you find that you need some extra money for one reason or another, you start looking for new ways to bring in cash—and fast. You know that you can pawn guns, electronics and jewelry, but one thing you may wonder is whether you can sell broken jewelry. While not every piece of broken jewelry… Continue reading Is My Broken Jewelry Worth Anything?

Cash For Gold Boca Raton Pawn

Get more cash for gold at Boca Raton Pawn. [yframe url=’’] Sell Now For Maximum Profits! Gold Prices Are High! Gold is valued at around $1,600, so sell Now For Maximum Profits!   We pay cash for coins, necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, and more. For these last three decades, we have been consistently paying top dollar for… Continue reading Cash For Gold Boca Raton Pawn

What is Scrap Gold – Ask The Pros

What is Scrap Gold – Ask The Pros Do you have scrap gold hanging around that you don’t wear or that is broken or bent that you don’t know what to do with? Bring your scrap gold to Boca Raton Pawn, and we will give you the highest price for it. We are known in… Continue reading What is Scrap Gold – Ask The Pros

When and Where to Sell Gold Boca Raton

When and Where to Sell Gold Boca Raton Boca Raton Pawn is locally owned with two locations so you so we can serve you best. We understand that it must be intimidating to send your gold to a buyer, not only paying for postage and insurance, but waiting to receive the results. With a shop like… Continue reading When and Where to Sell Gold Boca Raton