Diamond Carat Weight – Sell Jewelry Boca Raton

Sell Jewelry Boca Raton   What is the Carat Weight? This is probably the question most people ask when shopping for diamond jewelry. For most women, the carat weight of a diamond will probably tell the size of their smile when they get an engagement ring, for example. But, do you know exactly what is… Continue reading Diamond Carat Weight – Sell Jewelry Boca Raton

What Are the 4 C’s? – Sell Diamonds Boca Raton

What are the 4 C’s?  Sell Diamonds Boca Raton What are the 4 c’s?  Well first of all, we have to specify what we’re referring to.  When grading a diamond, there are 4 c’s that account for much of its value.  They are carat, color, clarity, and cut.  These four things can determine whether a… Continue reading What Are the 4 C’s? – Sell Diamonds Boca Raton

Top Trends In Platinum Bridal Jewelry For 2014 – Bridal Jewelry Boca Raton

Bridal Jewelry Boca Raton   When we talk about bridal jewelry, the first piece of jewelry that comes to mind is engagement rings, and when the topic is engagement rings, the first precious metal that we think of is Platinum. Bridal Jewelry Boca Raton Platinum is probably the most popular precious metal in the bridal… Continue reading Top Trends In Platinum Bridal Jewelry For 2014 – Bridal Jewelry Boca Raton

44% of Consumers Would Buy “Smart” Jewelry – Pawn Jewelry Boca Raton

Pawn Jewelry Boca Raton The Jewelry Consumer Opinion Council just conducted a survey related to “smart” jewelry.  Smart jewelry is considered wearable technology; for example, the Samsung Smart Watch.  According to the study 44% of consumers would purchase smart jewelry like a bracelet or a watch.  Much of the new smart jewelry is designed to make… Continue reading 44% of Consumers Would Buy “Smart” Jewelry – Pawn Jewelry Boca Raton

Sell Jewelry Boca Raton – De Beers Manufacturing Melee Screener

Sell Jewelry Boca Raton De Beers, the famous diamond company, is now in the manufacturing stage with its melee scanner.  They are planning on leasing it to interested sight-holders in the second quarter this year.  Sell jewelry Boca Raton. The machine, called the Automated Melee Screening Device, or AMS, screens near-colorless or colorless diamonds as… Continue reading Sell Jewelry Boca Raton – De Beers Manufacturing Melee Screener