How to Spot a Fake Louis Vuitton Bag
Louis Vuitton comes from a French fashion house, established in 1854. Few brands have the amount of longstanding appeal that Louis Vuitton has. Louis Vuitton does not offer discounts or outlets. They also never offer seconds or irregulars. Louis Vuitton handcrafts their bags out of the finest, high-quality leather. They are often immediately recognizable because of their famous LV logo.
Copycat purse makers cannot even come close to the quality of a true Louis Vuitton handbag. Unfortunately, there are a large amount of these companies that are trying. First you should note that a real Louis Vuitton bag does not necessarily have to say “Made in France.” Louis Vuitton has also manufactured their bags in the United States, Spain, Germany and Italy. They may have figured out how to recreate the LV pattern, but they cannot duplicate the craftsmanship or materials.
Is the stitching is uneven on your bag? It is not a Louis Vuitton. The stitching on all Louis Vuitton bags should be very even and regular. For example, any size of the Louis Vuitton Monogram Speedy Bag will have five, regular even stitches on each side. Louis Vuitton Bags are all about symmetry and perfection of design. If a Louis Vuitton is real, its LV pattern will appear symmetrical from side to side, in the traditional monogram styles.
Some may wonder if an authentic Louis Vuitton could possibly have upside-down LVs on one side. The answer is yes they can. This is because Louis Vuitton crafts their handbags out of one continuous piece of leather. This is another way you can spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag. If you see a seam on the bottom of the purse, it is not a real Louis Vuitton.
It doesn’t hurt to do a little research before purchasing your Louis Vuitton Bag. Get the name and the model number of the purse and look it up the Louis Vuitton website. Compare the picture of the bag you like with the bag you want to purchase. Look for details such as what it is supposed to be lined in and if it should have feet or not. I leave you with one last tip. If there is any type of sticker on your bag that says Louis Vuitton, it is not real. Louis Vuitton does not use stickers to package their bags.
-Pamela G.