6 Things to Remember When Holiday Shopping

6 Things to Remember When Holiday Shopping Whether you are shopping for him and her, one thing to keep in mind is how you will be shopping. This may seem simple, but one of the worst feelings is to give someone a gift they really don’t want. Gift giving has become more than just some… Continue reading 6 Things to Remember When Holiday Shopping

How to Save Money This Holiday – Buy Pre-Owned Jewelry Boca Raton

Buy Pre-Owned Jewelry Boca Raton We all love the holidays.  Most of us have a holiday we look forward to celebrating.  Whether it’s Hannukah, Christmas, or even Kwanzaa we can all agree that the holiday season is the best time of the year.  Generally gifts are exchanged, dinners are attended, and friends and family get… Continue reading How to Save Money This Holiday – Buy Pre-Owned Jewelry Boca Raton

10 iPhone 5 Cases for Your Stocking

What did you ask Santa Clause to bring to you this Christmas? Perhaps the new iPhone 5? If so, there are some iPhone 5 cases that you should keep an eye out for. Not only are these cases going to keep your phone safe from breaks, scratches and dents, but they make your phone look… Continue reading 10 iPhone 5 Cases for Your Stocking