30 Carat Blue Diamond FOUND in S. Africa – Jewelry Loans Boca Raton

Jewelry Loans Boca Raton Petra Diamonds Ltd. has announced it has found a 29.6 carat rough blue diamond.  It was reportedly found in the famous Cullinan mine in South Africa.  Petra describes the stones as “exceptional”.  They comment that the stone has an extremely vivid blue with extraordinary saturation, tone, and clarity.  Blue diamonds with… Continue reading 30 Carat Blue Diamond FOUND in S. Africa – Jewelry Loans Boca Raton

Who is Jean Schlumberger? Sell Jewelry Boca Raton

Sell Jewelry Boca Raton Jean Schlumberger is a French jewelry designer.  He is most famous for his work with Tiffany & Co.  Jean Schlumberger designs are considered some of the best that Tiffany has ever sold.  Buying a Tiffany piece already comes at a premium and if you want a Schlumberger piece you really have… Continue reading Who is Jean Schlumberger? Sell Jewelry Boca Raton

Sotheby’s to Sell $19M Blue Diamond – Loans for Jewelry Boca Raton

Loans for Jewelry Boca Raton According to mining.com Sotheby’s is expecting a rare blue diamond to bring $19 million at auction in October.  The auction is being held in Hong Kong.  If it does sell for $19M that will be $2.5M per carat, breaking all records on a per carat basis for any diamond sold.… Continue reading Sotheby’s to Sell $19M Blue Diamond – Loans for Jewelry Boca Raton

Loans for Jewelry Boca

Loans for Jewelry Boca   We all know that buying jewelry is one of women’s favorite hobby. But, with the economy still recovering a tough recession, instead of buying jewelry, more and more people are opting on getting loans for jewelry Boca. After many years buying jewelry, people are realizing that they have accumulated enough… Continue reading Loans for Jewelry Boca