Most Popular Purses – Sell Handbags Boca Raton

Sell Handbags Boca Raton Women love handbags.  And why not?  They are practical, useful, and part of a women’s style.  They can be used to make life easier or make themselves look better.  They are a fashion accessory that is necessary with any outfit.  Handbags have been helping women for hundreds of years.  Over time,… Continue reading Most Popular Purses – Sell Handbags Boca Raton

Best Handbags at NYFW – Sell Handbags Boca Raton

Sell Handbags Boca Raton New York Fashion Week, also known as NYFW, is well underway in Manhattan.  It is a semi-annual event held in February and September.  And while this is the coldest week in the city’s long history, it hasn’t stopped the show.  New York Fashion Week started in 1943 to distract consumers from… Continue reading Best Handbags at NYFW – Sell Handbags Boca Raton

Most Expensive Handbags Boca Raton

Most Expensive Handbags Boca Raton Designer handbags, luxury watches, and diamond jewelry are commonly purchased by the rich.  Sure, you can get basically the same handbag for $300, but if you’re wealthy, why not spend $3,000 on a Louis Vuitton?  If I had $10 million, given the choice, I would choose the Louis Vuitton too.  If it’s… Continue reading Most Expensive Handbags Boca Raton

6 Things to Remember When Holiday Shopping

6 Things to Remember When Holiday Shopping Whether you are shopping for him and her, one thing to keep in mind is how you will be shopping. This may seem simple, but one of the worst feelings is to give someone a gift they really don’t want. Gift giving has become more than just some… Continue reading 6 Things to Remember When Holiday Shopping

Million Dollar Robbery Turns out to be a Bust

Million Dollar Robbery Turns out to be a Bust Remember the closet robbery we wrote about, ya know the $1 million dollars worth of Birkin’s stolen from Theresa Roemer’s Texas 3,000 square foot closet? Turns out it was either an insurance ploy gone wrong, or a robbery that got the thief nothing but unwanted storage… Continue reading Million Dollar Robbery Turns out to be a Bust