Best Shapes for Diamonds Boca Raton

Diamonds Boca Raton Getting engaged requires two things: a proposal and a ring.  And while the proposal is very important for obvious reasons, the ring is something that she will keep forever.  So you want to make sure to get the right one.  But you’ve seen so many different kinds; round diamonds, square diamonds, oval diamonds,… Continue reading Best Shapes for Diamonds Boca Raton

The Biggest Heists of Diamonds Boca Raton

Diamonds Boca Raton Stealing diamonds can be incredibly lucrative.  Just think about it.  Diamonds are so small!  And some rare ones can be worth tens of millions of dollars.  It’s not like stealing a car or even a piece of artwork.  You can literally put something worth $100 million into your pocket.  This makes stealing diamonds… Continue reading The Biggest Heists of Diamonds Boca Raton

101-Carat Diamond Sold at Auction, Among Others

101-Carat Diamond Sold – Sell Diamonds Boca Raton Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could afford a diamond that weighs over 100 carats?  At Christie’s most recent auction a 101.36-carat cushion cut diamond sold for $5 million or $49,100 per carat.  Most people won’t make a total of $5 million in their lifetime let alone buy… Continue reading 101-Carat Diamond Sold at Auction, Among Others

Top 5 Biggest Diamonds Boca Raton

Top 5 Biggest Diamonds Boca Raton We have been fascinated with diamonds throughout history.  Maybe it’s because of the way they sparkle.  Or it could be because they are extremely rare.  Or maybe it’s because pound for pound, they are the strongest material in the world.  For whatever reason, it cannot be argued that diamonds… Continue reading Top 5 Biggest Diamonds Boca Raton

$17.8 Million Fancy Vivid Pink Diamond

Fancy Vivid Pink Diamond We all know diamonds are expensive.  Anyone who has gotten engaged knows that a diamond can cost an arm and a leg.  Well how about spending $17.8 million on one diamond!  That just happened in Hong Kong at a Sotheby’s auction.  An 8.41 carat fancy vivid pink diamond broke the world… Continue reading $17.8 Million Fancy Vivid Pink Diamond