Blue & Pink Diamonds Set Records – Sell Diamonds Boca

Sell Diamonds Boca With the news of a Modigliani painting selling for $170 million it’s easy to overlook two sales of $48.5 million and $28.5 million in the jewelry trade.  But if you put it in perspective, you’ll realize that both smaller sales were actually world records, unlike the Modigliani which was the 2nd highest… Continue reading Blue & Pink Diamonds Set Records – Sell Diamonds Boca

100 Carat Emerald Cut Diamond To Be Sold At Auction

100 Carat Emerald Cut Diamond To Be Sold At Auction   When we think of jewelry auction, one of the first things that comes to mind is the world Sotheby’s. Founded in 1744, in London, Sotheby’s is one of the world’s largest brokers of jewelry in the world. Sotheby’s is the world’s fourth oldest auction house in continuous… Continue reading 100 Carat Emerald Cut Diamond To Be Sold At Auction

Ring Cam Captures The Big “Yes” – Buy Jewelry Boca Raton

Ring Cam Captures The Big “Yes”     If you are a man and you are married or engaged, you know how important is when you walk up to your girlfriend and present her with that big diamond engagement ring. If you felt nervous imagine how she felt. Most women dream about getting married every… Continue reading Ring Cam Captures The Big “Yes” – Buy Jewelry Boca Raton

Learn About Diamond Color – Sell Diamonds Boca Raton

Sell Diamonds Boca Raton   Last week when talking about diamonds, we brought you some information about “Diamond Clarity”. This week we are going to talk about another on of the Four C’s, Diamond Color. Sell Diamonds Boca Raton When we talk about diamond color grading, we are actually talking about the lack of color.… Continue reading Learn About Diamond Color – Sell Diamonds Boca Raton

The Clearest Waters In The World – Buy Diamond Jewelry Boca Raton

The Clearest Waters In The World   When the summer is around, we all love to take a dip in the clearest waters. Depending where you live, you might be able to enjoy the swimming in very clear waters. Other, not so fortunate, have to plan around to go visit places where the water is… Continue reading The Clearest Waters In The World – Buy Diamond Jewelry Boca Raton